Moving your goods to market over a safe and reliable rail network is mission-critical to your success. Universal Rail Systems can help ensure that your site rail infrastructure is built to spec, safe, and well-maintained, enabling your products to keep moving forward.
Freight Rail – Class 1 & Short Lines
Moving goods safely and reliably across a 50,000 km mainline and regional network is mission-critical for freight rail operators across Canada. Universal Rail Systems has an extensive track record of servicing Class 1 and Short Lines networks across Canada, offering comprehensive construction and maintenance support with minimal interruptions to operations.
Thank you to the team at Universal Rail Systems for your fantastic support and work with the Hudson Bay Railway this past construction season. Our rail line has never been in better condition!
Chris Avery
Chief Executive Officer at Arctic Gateway Group
Moving people safely and efficiently is mission-critical for many urban centres across Canada. Universal Rail Systems services the Transit sector across Canada including LRT and passenger train clients. We provide construction, maintenance, and flagging services for all sizes of elevated, ground-level, and underground commuter rail line projects.